Parker Lake
June Lakes Loop California
Janean, Ann, and Cactusgem
. . . . .Parker Creek (7950') to Parker Lake (8400') is
a easy 2 mile hike (if you aren't carrying a 95 pound child in a wheel chair). The trail
is very broken up and disappears at times. I've made it up to Parker Lake several times but
there was one time I didn't make it. My Hubby and I gave it all we had too. Our daughter,
Mary, wanted so bad to make it to the top and she will one day very soon.
The trail starts up a typical eastern Sierra brush slope of sagebrush, bitterbrush, bunch
grass, mountain mahogany and rabbit brush. The trail climbs over Parker canyon's
brush-covered moraine, an immense pile of loose material pushed down-canyon by an
advancing glacier during the close of the last Ice Age. This is the only terminal (front)
moraine in the region that remains whole and perfect, just as it was deposited thousands
of years ago. Others, as at Grant Lake and Convict Lake, have been cut through and partly
washed away by streams. In Parker canyon the stream cut through a lateral (side) moraine,
leaving the terminal unchanged. Nearing the lake, the trail enters a forest that contains
several huge, magnificent Jeffrey pine. Parker Lake comes directly from melted snow and is
very cold. It is stocked and has good fishing I assume from all the fisherman that make
the hike up.
. . . . .My favorite time to take this day hike is
in the Fall. The colors are just breath taking. This particular trip was taken on Memorial
Day Weekend. There was a lot of snow still and it got so very cold that night. How cold
did it get? All our water was frozen and there was ice on the sides of the creek.
It was nice though because the sheep hadn't been brought up yet
and so everything was very clean. We also had the place pretty much to ourselves because
mostly just day hikers and fisherman venture up there. We did see a campfire across the
lake during the night.
. . . . .The next morning after a delightful breakfast fit for 4 desert princesses we
hiked around the lake and up further through the canyon. Pictured with me are my friends
Ann, Janean, and LaReita.
© June 17, 1997
Desert Princess