Scotty's Castle
In the early 1900's Walter Scott, a.k.a. Death Valley Scotty, convinced Albert Johnson to grubstake his gold mining expeditions. The gold mines never materialized, but very soon Johnson developed a friendship with Scotty and fell in love with Death Valley. He would visit Scotty there and soon his wife Bessie joined them. Bessie wanted a home there so Scotty's Castle was built. Scotty being the story teller spread the word that he was building the story with two-million dollars of profits from his phantom gold mine. Reporters came to visit from all over and Johnson pretended to be Scotty's banker. If you ever get the chance to visit Scotty's Castle, please do. It is beautiful inside and out.
Click on Images for full view
Scotty's Flowers |
Scotty's Truck Inside |
Scotty's Weather Vane |
Scotty's through Truck Lamp |
Scotty's Picnic Area |
© March 30, 2000